Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nature's Super Fruit

Today I want to talk about a fruit that we take for granted, it's in everyday life, It season's out fish, we drink it in tea, and kids even sell it from roadside stands. That's right, it's the Lemon.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C. Among the health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it helps in losing weight faster. Lemon water also flushes out body toxins, aids the digestive system and helps the body eliminate waste products. Not to mention it helps prevent constipation and diarrhea.

Lemon helps to maintain the immune system and protects you from most types of infections. It also is a blood purifier, as well as a great antiseptic. Making it a part of your daily routine by drinking lemon water will allow you to enjoy its many health benefits listed here:

  • Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies.
  • Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial.
  • It balances maintain the pH levels in the body.
  • Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins.
  • It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile.
  • It is also a great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • It helps prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections and diseases.
  • It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid
  • It helps cure the common cold.
  • The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells.
  • It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute.
  • It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver In case of a heart burn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief.
  • It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne.
  • It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems.
  • Aids in the production of digestive juices.
  • Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session.
So pick up some lemons today, and get started on a healthier tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Welcome to my Blog - Garlic

HI!! I'm Ann. I'm going to be blogging here to offer natural remedies and suggestions on taking care of and improving your health. I hope to give you the hope and encouragement to take your health back into your hands. I'm going to be giving ideas, recipes, herbal suggestions or anything that will go with healthy living. On to today's topic...

Garlic-the Wonder Food

            Garlic is a very simple food. People cook with garlic every day and use it in many different ways. Garlic gives food flavor and spice. It is one of the best herbs you can use as well. Yes, it is an herb, and as one garlic has many different properties to it. 

Garlic is well known as the “poor man’s penicillin”, it's a wonderful natural antibiotic. Garlic should be on the top of your list to take when sick. Garlic can help with blood pressure, cancer, colds, asthma, boils, bronchitis, flu, sore throat, weight loss, blood cholesterol, arthritis, diabetes, fever, yeast infection, ear aches, and the list can go on and on.

During WWII, the British used garlic to dress the wounds of their soldiers. It was reported that when garlic juice was squeezed on pieces of moss and applied to the wound that NO wounds dressed in this manner ever become seriously infected.

In the garden, garlic is toxic to mosquito larva and has been use to protect crops from insects and fungal problems.

Garlic is highly nutritious. It contains high levels of protein, vitamins A, C, and the B’s, also the minerals copper, zinc, calcium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and much more.

This is "a must" to have in the home. You can use it as a capsule, in the raw form, in the bath, foot soaks, salves, etc... Garlic is one of the most powerful herbs, it is an amazing balancer, helping to balance out what might be off in the body. Get some garlic in your home today.

A good recipe for making garlic oil.

  • 4-6 cloves organic garlic, chopped
  • 1 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of dried mullein
  • Vitamin E (optional) 1 teaspoon
  • Lavender essential oil (any type you would like. I like tea tree.)

Put everything in a jar. Shake it 2x a day. Let it sit out for about 2 weeks in a dark area. Stain out the garlic cloves and mullein until its  just liquid. Store in a jar and use as needed.

You can use it for different issue like sore throats, ear aches, pin worms, pain… just rub it on the area.